Daniel Bibawy, October 27

Sunspots are dark spots that appear at times on the sun’s surface and can be observed through a telescope. We will report our findings to NASA to assist them in their studies of the sun through a CitizenScience project named Sun Lab.

We will drive to the Catskill Mountains and observe the sunspots on November 9th. At this time we will also complete a large portion of our deliverable, a documentary. We decided a documentary would be the best deliverable for our specific project because it is a visual project and it only makes sense to show our viewers what we experienced rather than to just tell them about it. Furthermore, we want to make our project as interesting and engaging as possible, so as to further the informal science learning process and I believe the more visual a project of this kind is, the more the learner will be engaged and want to learn more about the subject you are presenting before him/her.

We anticipate a wonderful and exciting learning experience at the Catskill mountains on November 9th and look forward to telling you about our experience!

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