Reflection on the Four Articles

These four articles all focus on communicating science, more importantly, the responsibility of those doing it to publicize their findings and to improve the way that the information is conveyed. Scientists often overlook the responsibility of explaining their work to other people. In McNutt’s article, she states that “even the most brilliant scientific discovery, if not communicated widely and accurately is of little value.” This is true because if no one spreads word of a new discovery or breakthrough, then no one will ever hear about it. And if this information is not communicated accurately, then people will be misinformed and might be misled into thinking one thing or another. Therefore, it is important that the scientific community relay the information that they discover.

One way that information is communicated is through peer reviewed articles. These provide us with some level of assurance about the accuracy of the information conveyed because several people assess the veracity and truth of the paper.  Despite this established process, the science community should find ways to improve this process. Some ways to revise the process have been proposed. These alternatives need to be considered, but these news ways also be assessed.

If scientific knowledge was communicated more widely, there stands the possibility that this communication could combat the ignorance of people, guide sound policymaking and garner more support for science. This can be an opportunity for scientists to find ways to inspire young minds and encourage underrepresented groups to enter the science realm. It is very important that scientists not only work in labs, but also in the public sphere. They need to put the information in the right correct context and help people understand what is unknown, known and under debate. With this information, people can formulate their own opinions and make their own decisions about these issues using the correct information.

Overall, it is necessary that scientist determine how better to communicate the information they discover and also how to accurately convey that information. It is just as important to convey information correctly, accurately and with meaning. This is to avoid facts being misapplied or twisted for or against a particular side.



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