All posts by Artur Brodskiy

Art + Science Reflection

The two articles on art and science attempt to do something revolutionary: to combine art and science into one genre. We’ve always categorized art and science as distinct, and even opposing fields to pursue. Part of this is because the English language distinguishes the two disciplines into two separate words. However, these articles have the power to change our view of this into thinking that our perception of the world is actually a conglomerate of the art and science we see. Art can provide scientific hypotheses, and science can be displayed as a work of art understandable to many people, as Jonathon Wells does.

There are numerous examples one can come up with of art used in science and science used in art. The articles provide a few of them, such as the “Brainbow” picture, the building of beautiful structures such as the pyramids, or depicting geology through a photographic artform, as Jonathon Wells does. I can even come up with several examples myself. Editing my videos requires the use of software designed by programming scientists. Textbooks contain colored pictures of the human body to allow us to differentiate between different organs. Drama therapy and music therapy are up and coming methods of treatment for psychological disorders. Even arts such as acting and stand-up comedy can be boiled down to a science. Constantin Stanislavski came up with a hugely successful method for training actors, and stand-up comedians arrange their jokes in a certain order to generate the most laughs from the audience.

But the most profound statement is made by Jeffrey Lichtman, who blurs the lines of science and art when he explains that our perception of the world is inaccurate. We only understand the world through the filter of our brain’s processing. Color’s don’t actually exist. We just see color because our brains filter wavelengths of light into distinct colors that it perceives. How am I to know that my red is the same as your red? We have methods of testing for colorblindness, but our language and our scientific method fails to test our perception. Even if a friend of mine can perceive a full range of colors, I’ll never know if he perceives red the way I perceive green, and he might perceive blue the way I perceive brown. Therefore, even science isn’t completely based on reality. What is reality? Perhaps art and science are just two different methods of trying to make sense of reality.

This discussion of perception is a philosophical one, and is explained very well by Michael Stevens’ videos on his YouTube channel, Vsauce:

Weekly Update 10/13 – 10/19

My role for the citizen science project will be to collect videos, photos, and data from my group members and my personal endeavors to compile a documentary, with Saul as the narrator. I plan to make a visit to Central Park with my group within the next few weeks, followed by a personal visit or two to Marine Park in the following weeks. While there, we will try to find various invertebrates that we will observe, photograph, and record. Hopefully the culmination of our efforts in Central Park along with our individual efforts in our assigned parks will result in our understanding of noticeable trends in the invertebrate world. We will upload our findings to iNaturalist’s “New York is Wild!” Citizen Science project. We might learn facts about the lifestyles and niches of various invertebrates as we observe them. Or we might learn about population growth and decline of certain species as the season gets cooler. Findings from other people on iNaturalist will be a useful tool for learning as well.

In the meantime, I prepared my camera to take pictures and video of invertebrates I find in my neighborhood. I created a basic layout for the documentary, and familiarized myself with the “New York is Wild!” page on iNaturalist. I found out that it’s easier to find wasps outdoors right before the fall season, since that is the time they do their last-minute food foraging for their colonies. During the colder weather, the colonies die off, leaving only fertilized queens to survive and hibernate in sheltered locations. We might find proof of this as we explore the parks. I also noticed that the amount of posts on the page was high during the summer, but weaned off toward the end of the end of the season, with very few posts for September and October. Could this be because cold weather kills off many of the insects people typically photograph for the webpage? Or are they migrating? I realized that many of the journal entries are regarding invertebrates that are easier to find in the summer, such as fireflies, bees, cicadas, horseshoe crabs, and katydids.

Another possible reason for the diminishing frequency of posts is that perhaps cooler weather is correlated to people going outside less often. Therefore, members of the project would have less opportunities to take pictures of invertebrates. A journal entry about mud snails on the beach was made in July, for example. I doubt there would be similar posts nowadays because people don’t typically go to the beach in late October.

It’s interesting how participating in a Citizen Science project can lead to discoveries in the social sciences in addition to the biological science the project is designed for. This realization goes to show how important for science metacognitive processes are, as described in Surrounded by Science.

Reflection on Two Articles

The first article, Learning in Your Own Backyard spoke about place-based education, and how research has shown that it results in higher grades in students as well as a better understanding of their subject material. I agree that it’s a good idea to be learning subjects on-location, especially if that subject can be explored in the physical world.  This makes sense because we believe what we can observe with our senses. If you can see an object and hit it with a hammer, and hear it make a clang, then you can be positive it’s there. Anything beyond that type of learning is conceptual and requires a stretch of the imagination. Even babies and children learn through tactile exploration. They travel through their space, touch everything they see, and manipulate items that grab their curiosity. They don’t listen to lectures. For this reason, it would be much more interesting to learn about the evolutionary relationship between raccoons and bears by feeling their pelts (or synthetic pelts) and making a judgement off of that. Or rather than first explaining how and why plants lean toward the sun, one can be planted indoors next to a windowsill, to display how it will lean toward the window no matter which direction you turn the pot.

I went to the Tenement Museum myself in my junior year of high school, and I remember many of its details very vividly. First we had a lesson on immigrants in the Lower East Side (of which I don’t remember so vividly), and then we explored the apartments they lived in, which are preserved in the most original state as possible. Actors portray the immigrants as we walk into these apartments, and we get to see the cramped living conditions, speak to the “immigrants” about their lives, and even see a lot of the different tools they used back then, such as a heavy clothes iron made out of metal that doesn’t even run on electricity. The point of all this description is to display how much more I was able to remember from an experiential memory rather than from lectures I received in class.

Once our interest in a subject is sparked however, we need to be able to explore deeper as humans. This is where critical pedagogy comes in. David Gruenewald explains in Best of Both Worlds how teachers need to challenge our thoughts with new information. This reminds me of the concept of juxtaposition in Surrounded by Science, where misconceptions about science are challenged as a method of sparking interest, as well as teaching more accurate information. A lecture setting is necessary after initial exposition to explain the subject matter. Eventually, a student needs to learn about what goes on at the cellular level that causes a plan to lean towards the sun. This can’t always be observed, and would require an animation and an explanation. It’s only through a mix of critical pedagogy and place-based learning that we can fully understand a subject.

Chapter 4 Reflection

This chapter, ironically, broke down the teaching of science into a science. I was surprised to find out that people record conversations at museums in order to figure out how to better design their museum, and to figure out the most optimal way to convey their knowledge. I also wondered if any of my conversations at museums have been recorded (probably not, since a waiver is needed to be signed). But it’s great to know that there are people out there whose sole job it is to listen to conversations had by people at an exhibit, and engineer the most favorable museum design based off of those conversations. Social sciences such as these are gaining more ground nowadays, and it’s one of the new and great ways we’re expanding our knowledge. This in itself is an example of our use of metacognition and points to our higher intelligence. Very exciting stuff.

I also found myself agreeing with the section about how parents can reinforce and develop their children’s knowledge. The example of  a mother clarifying information about dinosaur eggs was a perfect scenario that demonstrates this. Similarly, it speaks to how having an expert in the field conducive to learning without introducing a discomfort factor. The discomfort factor, as I experienced, usually occurs when an expert in a field (usually much older than I am) lingers after his explanation as I try to play with the tools in an exhibit, or talk with my friends about my thoughts of it. It doesn’t allow me to freely brainstorm and experience the exhibit with privacy. This factor is eliminated if the expert is somebody who I know well or is close to my age.

Another great method of encouraging learning brought up by the text is positive reinforcement. The text spoke about how girl scouts receive a badge every time a favorable behavior has been performed. For example, if a child constantly expresses curiosity, this action might earn them a badge. Psychologically, this method has been proven to work. However, one pitfall to this method is that the subject might then be encouraged to continue performing this behavior solely to continue earning that reward (the badge) and not because they honestly wanted to react that way. Museums eliminate this constraint by allowing visitors to freely explore whichever exhibits they feel drawn to.

Adults must also be careful when teaching children. In the boat-building example, we see the parents doing most of the challenging problem-solving tasks, such as building differently shaped boats, while leaving the logistical tasks to their children, such as setting off the boats into the water. The child might end up missing the point of the activity or feeling insulted that the parent doesn’t allow them to think on their own. This is one of the ways an aversion to learning is often developed. Although sometimes the problem might be too challenging for a child to solve and an adult’s help is necessary, other times it’s necessary to let them have a go at it. It’s very easy to become absorbed in an activity so much that you forget your purpose is to have your children learn too. I speak from a psychological perspective as well as from experience, since I find myself guilty of sometimes doing this with my seven year old sister.

Chapter 3 Reflection

What I found most striking in this chapter is the amount of angles from which education can be looked from. Typically, I judge my education based off of three things:

  1. How much did I learn?
  2. Was it interesting?
  3. Was it interactive?

After reading chapter three, however, I realized that there is much more to educating than just those three factors. There is the importance of having multiple modes of learning. There is even importance in assessing a student’s prior knowledge, and if it’s faulty, to correct that knowledge. This is referred to as juxtaposition” by the text. Having all these new aspects to consider makes me appreciate the multifaceted nature of educating. It’s a complex field to understand, and I have a deeper understanding of how educators need to account for many variables to make sure their teaching is on par.

I believe that juxtaposition is one of the most important of these variables to include in education. Having the element of surprise in teaching can keep students on their feet and constantly interested in what they’re learning. One of the most boring things for a student to experience is learning something that they already know or don’t care about. But if you surprise them with information which contradicts their preconceived understanding, it wakes them up and alerts them. In essence, a surprising juxtaposition to prior knowledge is a stimulant.

Humans tend to fall into a phenomenon known as “hedonic adaptation,” which means we quickly grow accustomed to pleasure from the external world. We lose the excitement of having a new television within a few weeks of its purchase. Look at an amazing view every day, and after a while the view will cease to be as amazing. We build tolerance and constantly need new stimulation to excite ourselves. In a way, this breeds progress. Within the context of hedonic adaptation, juxtaposition is a great tool for education. It finds a way around our tendency to adapt to stimuli by constantly surprising us with new facts.

The same can be said for making learning interactive, hands on, and social. Each of the case studies in the chapter spoke to how alluring science with these qualities can be, with the participants getting much enjoyment. One of the most interesting case studies was the skeleton exhibit. As you cycled a stationary bike, a mirror to your side would overlay your skeleton onto your reflection, allowing you to see its movement in real time. According to Surrounded by Science, “Of the 93 children in the sample, 96 percent correctly drew skeletons whose bones began or ended at the joints of the body.” This is proof of how engaging and effective hands-on science is.


“Citizen Science” Reflection

Having citizens perform scientific research is a great idea for society. Not only will it make scientific research across a large geographic area more feasible, it will also allow for larger sample sizes, a broader range of research topics, and it will do wonders for education in America. Citizen Science is one of the methods for learning science which is informal and would allow people to learn without even realizing that they’re learning. It’s one of the “95 percent” solutions. Even Cohn’s article states that most of the grants given out by the National Science Foundation are categorized as grants for education rather than grants for science. There is a reason for that: having citizens without prior scientific experience help do research will implicitly improve their education in the field they’re researching.

This idea can even benefit the economy. Somebody who participated in a number of citizen science projects would have acquired experience that can be put on a resume, making him more hireable.

My only concern with allowing common folk do research is with the validity of the scientific results it would bring. Yes, the article states that even third graders identified crabs correctly at a rate of 80%. But what if the research needed to be conducted is more complex than simply identifying animals in our ecosystem? Use of specialized tools and research of sophisticated topics requires trained hands and minds. I believe that type of research should be left to the professionals. Allowing non-scientists to participate in science is great, as long as it doesn’t lower the standards for what is acceptable to be accurate data. That would be cause for bad science. Citizens should be allowed to help, but only in the collection of simple data. The citizens should be trained appropriately, and they should be assessed in whether they understand their task before allowing them to commit to it. The prospect of allowing anybody to volunteer and gather data for researchers has only been brought up recently, and according to the article, standards for accuracy have been enforced in the studies. I only hope that it will continue to be this way and that this cheaper alternative for gathering data won’t become a temptation to provide leeway for invalid data.

Chapter 2 Reflection

As a child, I was always taught that science is defined by the steps in the scientific method: observation, hypothesis, experiment, analysis, conclusion. Chapter two of Surrounded by Science gives a different take on what science is. It summarizes science learning into six strands. These strands are revolutionary in that they broaden the confines of the definition of science, and allows the common citizen to be a participant in science.

I noticed that the strands also follow the typical process by which a person involves himself in science. First, interest in a particular subject is sparked. Then, a person would explore this subject. Through their exploration, they would learn vocabulary words, scientific terms, and scientific processes. If a person persists in the exploration of a scientific field and contributes to a study, they would eventually identify themselves as a member of the scientific community. Similarly, Surrounded by Science constructs a parallel series of events in its strands.

The example of citizen scientists contributing to the field of ornithology is a great example of these strands put into action. A person who is watching a robin might have his interest sparked (strand 1). This person might proceed to do online research on birds, and become well versed the scientific content he reads (strand 2). He might want to get more involved in ornithology, and therefore participate in a study such as Project FeederWatch. He would catalog and report the different birds he observes in his community, and then reflect on the methods he used and the information he learns (strands 3 and 4). As he sharpens his skills, he will be able to have conversations with other ornithologists about the science (strand 5), and would feel like part of the scientific community (strand 6). Interestingly, although the strands are not designed to be in any particular order, it seems as if they are already in chronological order.

“The 95 Percent Solution” Reflection

“The 95 Percent Solution,” by John Falk and Lynn Dierking, proposes an innovative idea to improve science education in America; it proposes that out-of-school science learning has a greater impact on a child’s scientific knowledge than in-school learning. I find this to be a very daring proposition, but was satisfied by the evidence presented in the article.

I especially like the point saying, “A wide range of adolescents and adults are engaged in hobbies that involve science, including…star gazing” (“95 Percent” 488). I find that personally this is what increases my knowledge of science as well. I own a fish. I have to feed it and change its water. But in order to know how to properly take care of the fish, I had to research how much to feed the fish, and how often the water has to be changed. This led me to research the Nitrogen Cycle that goes on in a freshwater tank. That led me to look up other scientific data, and so forth. This goes to show how “free choice learning experiences” really do increase scientific knowledge.

Another compelling bit of evidence in the article is how low-income students do just as well in elementary schools as high-income students, and that it was during the summer that the disadvantaged children fell behind. I found this very surprising. That is a statistic that can’t be ignored, since it proves that something goes on outside of schools that can drastically impact education.

My one problem with the article is how it fails to commend the usefulness of in-school learning. A lot of science that we learn in school is specialized, and would be difficult to learn outside of school. For example, my biology professor had me read complicated research papers for his biology lab class on neuroendocrinology, and toxoplasmosis. These papers were difficult to decipher, and often had to be reread in order to obtain a full understanding of them. Despite the difficulty, I’m thankful for these assignments because they’ve greatly improved my scientific literacy in very specialized and technical subjects within the field of biology. Yes, a visit to the museum or a google search can improve my general knowledge of a scientific topic, but collegiate courses allow one to understand science in depth. I doubt people look up scholarly articles about scientific issues on their own accord. They usually read condensed versions that they find online. However, I definitely agree that funding for out-of-school science institutions would have a great impact on education, especially for the layman who isn’t trying to become a science brainiac anyway.

Introduction and BioBlitz

Hi, I’m Arty. I’m currently undecided on my major, and am taking classes in a variety of fields in order to figure out where my greatest interest lies. In my freshman year, I took pre-med classes, with an interest in research. Right now, I’m trying out film, acting, and psychology classes. Whatever captures my interest most is what I’ll pursue. At the moment, I’m leaning towards acting, film, or stand-up comedy as a future career.

This semester, I expect to learn about the institutions which people go to to learn science, and about the rate at which science and technology are advancing. Since the Industrial Revolution, humans advancements in technology have been moving forward at an exponential rate, which makes today a very exciting time to live in. What this means and what it can lead to is something I expect to be covered in this class.

During the BioBlitz, I met a few entomologists (I was in the insect group), journalists, and even people from Google. We walked through Central Park together, trying to collect insects. The methods we used were interesting, and some were new to me. We would carry around butterfly nets, and wave them around in hopes that any insects flying in the air will get caught. We even captured insects from the soil by using a special suction device. Afterwards, we deposited the insects in a vial of ethanol (poor little guys), which was brought to the lab at the end of the day.

The purpose of our efforts is still something I’m trying to figure out. One reason might be to allow us to get a glimpse of what a researcher’s job is like. An entomologist would have to spend days outdoors, trying to collect samples and data, before any of it can be studied and used to advance our knowledge. Another reason for the activity might be exactly what the BioBlitz description says: to sample the biodiversity we find in Central Park. Perhaps we might discover a new species, or find an estimate for the current populations of the insect species already known. However, this seems unlikely because the sample size we collected would be too small to make any definitive generalizations about the whole park. Either way, this was a good introduction to the world of researching biology. Instead of diving headfirst into a career we’re not sure of, this allows us to simply get our feet wet first.

As you can see in my picture, I was lucky enough to try out Google Glass, which was an amazing opportunity. I was thrilled to play around with a product that will be the next big step in technology. I also got to speak with the entomologist who led our expedition. I asked her how and why she chose to pursue this field. She excitedly replied that studying insects is a very hands-on activity. She told me how in college, she used to dislike indoor classes, where all the learning was very cerebral and bland. This job contrasts greatly in that you’re mostly outdoors, and exploring places that you haven’t seen before. I believe that this is a great response, considering how many jobs are monotonous and cyclical, where the employee goes to the same office and does the same thing everyday. In other words, she wanted to avoid doing a 9 to 5 job in a cubicle every day, which is something I also want to avoid doing.

My only disappointment with the BioBlitz experience is the fact that I didn’t get any end result for all my exertion. I expected to see some new statistics about Central Park’s biodiversity, but I wasn’t given any. It would be interesting to see what our efforts came to, and how this is going to benefit science. Other than that, I was glad to have been there, since it was a relaxing outdoors experience that allowed me to meet some interesting people with uncommon occupations.