Argentina in Less than THREE days!

Hi everyone! My first post on my blog, which will chronicle my adventures leading to and in Argentina. I still haven’t landed, or even boarded a plane to get there, but I’m so excited to live in warm Argentina for a month!

I’ve prepped myself pretty well for this trip. I’ve already read and dissected the Lonely Planet’s Travel Guide to Argentina, and can (almost) spit out a random fact about the country at about every 2.5 seconds ( just ask my friends). The Spanish speaking skill aren’t as up to par, but that’s why I’m going on this trip ( as well as to eat a lifetime’s worth of steak, travel to South America for the first time, experience summer in the winter, etc.).

It’s a trip of many firsts. As I just mentioned, the first time I’m traveling to the Southern Hemisphere, and the first time I’ll be celebrating New Year’s away from my home, family and friends.

A trip of a lifetime, yet I’ve barely started to pack yet >-<. Who knows what's in store, but hopefully, Argentina will be as much fun and hyped up as its made to be!

Published in: Pre-Travel Frenzy, Uncategorized on December 24, 2010 at1:54 am Comments (4)

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  1. on December 23, 2010 at 10:04 pmSimmi Kaur Said:

    AHH jemi! i’m so excited for you (and LOL i think even i can attest to that 1 fact per 2.5 seconds claim). It will be amazing! And thanks for the mac advice, i think i will bring it so i can keep up with your amazing trip too 😀 i can’t wait till we’re both in different continents speaking to each other!!

  2. on December 23, 2010 at 10:10 pmJane Shaji Said:

    I can’t wait!It will be an amazing experience for sure.

  3. on December 23, 2010 at 11:02 pmBetsy Daniel Said:

    Have a fabulous time and you know I will be checking on this like every day 🙂

  4. on December 23, 2010 at 11:37 pmjemi Jacob Said:

    aww thanks betsy!
    and jane: for sure!
    simmi! its crazy right?

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