A Sunny Sunday

Today, we went to the Catderal de San Pedro for a few minutes to pray, as it was a Sunday, and we weren’t able to go to church yesterday on New Years. It’s a famous local Catholic Cathedral, known for its French Chandelier, beautiful stained glass, and English Tiles.

The French chandelier in the Catedral. There is scaffolding blocking it because I assume the church is being renovated or something when I had initially visited it.

The exterior of the Catedral de San Pedro

We then wandered along the mall/strip of stores close by, enjoying a bit of amazing ice cream.

The mall/strip of stores between the beaches and the cathderal.

We also finally went to the casino, as directed by our program director, in order to get our tourist information. I’m quite happy that I saw that they sell postcards in the tourist information center for only a peso, because I need postcards to send out, and I only bought 2 for 3 pesos each.

Afterwards, we took a really crowded bus ( first time on a bus in Mar del Plata/Argentina ever) to the port area. Passing by the rest of Mar del Plata was a real eye opener to the opulence, beauty and serenity of the town, even during its peak busy tourist season.

When we got to the port, we wandered for a bit around the area until we saw colorful boats ( which are the type of boats featured in many post cards from Mar del Plata), and actually saw some sealions!

A pretty boat at the Port

Boats at the Port

We even went a little ATVing, only for 25 pesos each.

Finally, we came back to the hotel to drop off our little shopping goodies, ate at a cafe in the strip, went water shopping, and came back.

Tomorrow’s the first day of classes. I am right now very excited, yet also sort of nervous, because it will be 6 credits in 16 days. Whatever happens, I know I will try to make the best of it!

Published in: Uncategorized on January 2, 2011 at8:47 pm Comments (0)

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