Odio la nieve

As luck would have it, my flight for 2:20pm was cancelled yesterday. It was such a hectic and stressful day yesterday after finding out the sad news at around 10 am. I had to wait on the phone for about 20 minutes ( which wasn’t too bad compared to the hour long wait a few people I heard had to do) to speak to an American Airlines representative, and finally, was able to reschedule flight time for Tuesday. All in the span of about 3 hours.

Which kinda really does suck, because the program already started today! I’ll be missing 2 full days of frolicking in hot Buenos Aires. Right now, I’m freezing, having just finished shoveling half of my house. The snow is crazy here- it goes all the way up to my waist!

Anyways, I always believe that everything happens for a reason, and rescheduling the flight for Tuesday night seems like a really good decision, because not only do I get to spend more time with the family, but I can also help out cleaning the snow, go a little more shopping ( I did that yesterday before the blizzard really got horrible), and finally clean up my room.

Hopefully my next post will be when I am in the airport, waiting to take off!

Published in: Pre-Travel Frenzy, Travel, Uncategorized on December 27, 2010 at1:28 pm Comments (1)

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  1. on December 27, 2010 at 6:29 pmAlbina Khayrulina Said:

    Yep, everything that happens, happens for a good reason!
    Even though I wish I was in Egypt right now, it did give me extra time with family, to help them with the storm and repack a few things 😛
    Good luck flying out tomorrow Jemi! Hope all goes well!

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