Archive for January, 2011

A crazy week

Internet again was spotty this week, and classes take out a huge chunk of my time, hence my very tardy blog entry 🙁 Classes! Classes finally started this week, and my expectations were beyond met, my fears somewhat erased and my responsibilities defined. I was placed into a spanish level class with other average, if […]

Published in: Uncategorized on January 9, 2011 at6:26 pm Comments (1)

A Sunny Sunday

Today, we went to the Catderal de San Pedro for a few minutes to pray, as it was a Sunday, and we weren’t able to go to church yesterday on New Years. It’s a famous local Catholic Cathedral, known for its French Chandelier, beautiful stained glass, and English Tiles. We then wandered along the mall/strip […]

Published in: Uncategorized on January 2, 2011 at8:47 pm Comments (0)

When Are People Awake in this Town??

Yesterday’s Events Yesterday, after waking up from our slight slumber after the New Year’s Party, we ate breakfast ( ugh the sweetness and lack of substance is really killing me!) and chilled in the room, because we realized it would be the only day that we would have to relax before classes started. It was […]

Published in: Uncategorized on at8:25 pm Comments (0)

Epic New Years

Yesterday’s/today’s New Year’s celebration was quite epic to say the least. It was the first time I had ever celebrated New Year’s without my family, so it was sort of sad in the back of my head. But enjoying it with friends and wonderful Argentines out on in a Restaurant on a beach pier with […]

Published in: Uncategorized on January 1, 2011 at12:29 pm Comments (0)

More Pictures

I wasnt able to add all my La Boca pictures, amongst others, so here they are. Happy browsing, and again feel free to comment 🙂

Published in: Uncategorized on at12:14 pm Comments (0)