Archive for Pre-Travel Frenzy

Odio la nieve

As luck would have it, my flight for 2:20pm was cancelled yesterday. It was such a hectic and stressful day yesterday after finding out the sad news at around 10 am. I had to wait on the phone for about 20 minutes ( which wasn’t too bad compared to the hour long wait a few people I heard had to do) to speak to an American Airlines representative, and finally, was able to reschedule flight time for Tuesday. All in the span of about 3 hours.

Which kinda really does suck, because the program already started today! I’ll be missing 2 full days of frolicking in hot Buenos Aires. Right now, I’m freezing, having just finished shoveling half of my house. The snow is crazy here- it goes all the way up to my waist!

Anyways, I always believe that everything happens for a reason, and rescheduling the flight for Tuesday night seems like a really good decision, because not only do I get to spend more time with the family, but I can also help out cleaning the snow, go a little more shopping ( I did that yesterday before the blizzard really got horrible), and finally clean up my room.

Hopefully my next post will be when I am in the airport, waiting to take off!

Published in: Pre-Travel Frenzy, Travel, Uncategorized on December 27, 2010 at1:28 pm Comments (1)

Packing…it never ends!

I legitimately started packing today. I had started last week, thinking hey I can fit all my clothes and necessities for a month in a little rolling bag. I forgot I was a girl and needed a ton of things, and still do. I was able to fit in all my clothes and knickknacks. Now I just gotta figure out how to squish in my unmentionables and first aid kit….

What’s pretty funny is how I ran out of certain things, such as shampoo and conditioner in the house. We were about to make a run to the drug store, but realized- its Christmas Eve, its cold, we just came in, and the stores will either be closed or crazy. I’ll just wait till the 26th to do last minute shopping.

While packing, I started to freak out about the converter situation. I looked it up online and saw that Argentina runs on 220/240 watts power, but I was confused as to what converter I could use for my macbook pro. I think I saw somewhere that a mac uses up to about 65 watts when its on, so I’m not entirely sure if a 85 watt step down converter from 220 to 120 is good enough for charging my mac. I heard from a few people it should be a-ok, but any ideas, feel free to comment below! 🙂

The excitement for the trip has always been there, as well as the nervousness and fear of traveling to a new place without parents. I mean, I’ve traveled to Canada myself, butttt I don’t count that haha because its just a nicer and cleaner America (don’t think so? Comment below!) Looking at my ticket, the fear slowly but surely crept in even more, because all these paranoid thoughts kept on popping up in my head ( Oh My God, do I really need to know enough spanish to get through customs? What happens if I end up saying the wrong thing, and can’t come in??)

Anyways, its Christmas Eve- the most quiet one I’ve had in years. Just me and the fam. Can’t wait to cuddle on the couch and watch some t.v with them later on.

To all, a safe and Merry Christmas! God Bless!

Published in: Pre-Travel Frenzy, Uncategorized on December 24, 2010 at6:12 pm Comments (6)

Argentina in Less than THREE days!

Hi everyone! My first post on my blog, which will chronicle my adventures leading to and in Argentina. I still haven’t landed, or even boarded a plane to get there, but I’m so excited to live in warm Argentina for a month!

I’ve prepped myself pretty well for this trip. I’ve already read and dissected the Lonely Planet’s Travel Guide to Argentina, and can (almost) spit out a random fact about the country at about every 2.5 seconds ( just ask my friends). The Spanish speaking skill aren’t as up to par, but that’s why I’m going on this trip ( as well as to eat a lifetime’s worth of steak, travel to South America for the first time, experience summer in the winter, etc.).

It’s a trip of many firsts. As I just mentioned, the first time I’m traveling to the Southern Hemisphere, and the first time I’ll be celebrating New Year’s away from my home, family and friends.

A trip of a lifetime, yet I’ve barely started to pack yet >-<. Who knows what's in store, but hopefully, Argentina will be as much fun and hyped up as its made to be!

Published in: Pre-Travel Frenzy, Uncategorized on at1:54 am Comments (4)