Archive for November, 2012

Wednesday, November 14th, 2012

Where’s Jon Stewart?

It is true, CERRU and the Macaulay Honors College were not able to get Jon Stewart to come to Queens College for a lecture.  But, they got the next best thing: Co-Executive Producer Steve Bodow, though the reason for that ability was probably due to the close connection between Bodow and one of our faculty members here at Queens, Katherine Profeta (also one of the seminar professors this semester for Macaulay’s Arts in NYC).  Steve Bodow was not always Co-Executive Producer.  He studied journalism and politics at Yale University, and later became involved with theatrical production as well as freelance journalism.  He applied to the Daily Show as a writer, and made his way up from there, recently receiving this high title.

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Tuesday, November 13th, 2012

The Poet and I Don’t Know What

I apologize for my delay in posting this blog.  So bear with me as I’m writing this more than a month after the fact.

The Godwin-Ternbach Museum and the Department of Comparative Literature sponsored Jue Loffelholz’s lecture on art, poetry, and nonsense.  From the title of the program, I had a preconceived notion that I would be going to a poetry reading.  I was in for a splendid surprise.  Loffelholz is more than a poet, and I would argue, he isn’t a poet at all.  But he isn’t an artist either.  I believe that he even said he’d rather not be categorized.  Loffelholz aims to make a statement – to be provocative in the most nonsensical sense.  He rejects the combination of politics and art – he is not anarchical and doesn’t aim to send any sort of political message through his works.  It was very difficult to hear Loffelholz at the lecture because he refused to use a microphone.  At first, I thought it was simply a mistake that there wasn’t any amplification.  But after conversing with Loffelholz, I learned that he didn’t use a microphone because, to paraphrase him, “that’s what politicians do”.  His rejection of conformity is extremely strong, and very present in his “art.”

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Wednesday, November 7th, 2012

And I Voted For…

Romney VS Obama 

Who I voted for is really not of large importance when it comes to today.  The more important issue is that today was my first experience when it comes to being a participating American citizen that is eligible to vote.  And to be quite honest, the new, exciting experience was quite a let down.

I remember being very little and going to E.M. Baker Elementary School in Great Neck with my mother or father.  I remember always being nervous – Am I allowed to go in with you?  Isn’t that illegal?  I was quite the proper child – still am!  I remember wanting to pull the lever to close the curtain, select the presidential and other candidates (usually not understanding how the entire process worked), and then finally try to open the curtain once again – but… I was too weak!  Probably still am.

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