

Welcome to Yemen Cafe!

Yemeni food is particularly flavorful due to its Turkish, Indian, Ottoman, and Arab influences, something that Yemen Cafe embraces and uses to its advantage. Located at 176 Atlantic Avenue, the Yemen Cafe and Restaurant has served the local population authentic Yemeni food since 1986. Located in the diverse neighborhood of Cobble Hill, the restaurant has injected its rich food and traditions into the surrounding area, attracting customers from around the world.

For facts about the Cafe and its traditions, feel free to explore:

Authentic Cuisine


Chicken Kabsa with a side of flatbread and various sauces.

Islamic Influences


The Star and Crescent, the most recognized symbol of Islam.

Family Contribution


Storefront of Yemen Cafe.

 Make Your Own Yemeni Dish!

Selections from the Cafe Menu


Yemen Cafe’s logo, shaped like a Janbiya, or ceremonial dagger.

Traditional Yemeni Cuisine

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