Dec 08 2009


Published by harshita parikh under Danny Senna


It takes tons of courage, iron guts and a lot of will power to write about your family in thye way Danzy Senna wrote about them. The book “Where did you sleep last night” gives a detailed description of Danzy’s relationship with her parents especially her fistant relationship with her father.  As she siad during the reading session, her father was not pleased by the book as  the book clearly portrays hima s a an inadequate parent.

Although I have not read the whole book, I still admire Danzy Senna for the brave action she took in deciding to write her memoirs. Tobe able to do so not only gives one an opportunity to carefully reflect on the past but may some time shelp to look at the past in anew light.

2 responses so far

2 Responses to “Kudos!!!”

  1.   Aon 11 Dec 2009 at 7:23 pm

    I agree with you Harshita that it must have taken Ms. Senna extraordinary amounts of courage to publish her memoir. I would never be able to be that personal in my work.

  2.   Angela Ngon 10 Dec 2009 at 1:32 am

    There are a lot of posts that used the exact same words: courage and will power. It’s not that I disagree, but I just thought that there is also more to it; it also takes curiosity. If she remained indifferent about her surroundings, she might never have published it anyway.