Dec 09 2009
Think Outside of the Box

Shannon Plump's Commercials
I am what you would call a feminist. [However, I’m not the kind of feminist that Abushale often describes with his beautiful language as a “lesbian” with “unshaved legs and armpits”.] Since I’m a constant fighter for women equality, I found the Brooklyn Museum’s New Feminist Video to be closer to home than many other contemporary artwork on feminism.
Out of all of the short films at the Brooklyn Museum, Shannon Plump’s Commercials definitely caught my attention. She straightforwardly made fun of the “it girl” and the women’s thirst for running after physical materials to make them look better (but not necessarily feel better).
To me, Shanno Plump got exactly what feminism is about: having a thought of your own and having the guts to stick by it.
DISCLAIMER: Abushale wants be to add the word “jokingly” in front of the feminist comment. So instead, I will put it here.
I say things in jest. Cut me some slack :).
And I get the point of feminism, and see the validity of a lot of the points made– however, the videos in the actual exhibition were very abstract. I don’t know if I “got” them.
To Alex,
I don’t think Abushale’s description is accurate, however, they are funny and flavorful. I can easily find you another feminist who shaves her legs and armpits without being a lesbian.
When I say equal, I’m talking about equal pay, equal employment opportunity, and the likes. I do think that there are things men are good at and there are things women are good at; so of course, men are also not equal to women.
I just don’t want another woman to be domestically abused, raped, tortured, or barefoot and pregnant out of tradition.
To the women and Zerxis,
I am GLAD that you see where I am coming from. The commercial is hilarious, accurate, and “random” like Nathaly said. The content, though in black and white, is superb comparing to what we see on TV commercials now. The endless amount of sex appeals in TV makes me sick.
But Abushale’s descriptions are so flavorful, funny, and accurate. I don’t understand how you fight for women’s quality when it is evident that women are not equal to men. I would hate to point out the obvious but there are many things men do better than women and many things women do better than men. It is how nature set it up through evolution.
Nice to see how passionate you’ll are about equality for women 🙂
Unlike, you’ll I could barely relate to the videos there, however, I very well understood their meaning.
I wish there were more women that thought like that!! We (as women) have got to speak up.. People say that “now” is the time women are transitioning to being more inclined to work outside the homes and whatnot, but there are so many examples I can give you of things men can do and women can’t.
I agree with you man! I loved the commercials too, they were my favorite. I think she is the funniest random person I have ever seen. How could something in black and white be so hilarious. The commercials are what truly made me appreciate the exhibit.