Dec 11 2009
I Love Holidays Because I Celebrate All of Them!
In class, we discussed how Danzy Senna’s family would get fingers pointed at them or questioned for her shockingly different appearance from her father. I knew the Senna family was open-minded but she just continued to surprise us. Her sister, marrying a Pakistani British man, like my Mr. England, was a nice shocker. Danzy Senna speaks of her life as if it’s not a big deal. I thought, “If she and her sister can follow their hearts and marry who they wanted to, I can too.” Growing up being instilled with values such as “don’t talk to boys” or “learn how to cook and clean for your in-laws” (something Abushale would agree with), I was always afraid of falling in love. Fortunately or unfortunately, I have. Danzy Senna’s beautiful memoir confirmed for me that love has no boundaries and steered me in the right direction: to follow my heart and its desires. I’m even considering writing a story about Mr. England, no matter what the end result is for us. The triumphs, the upheavals, and the tears that I’ve gone through may just be what some other young girl might want to hear – a story of hope. Senna being able to talk about her family on an open platform like she did that night, was amazing. I’m pretty open about my love life, but I always have to “think “ of the right answer. As her first nonfiction piece, I think she’s done an amazing job and this is just from a mere glimpse of the memoir. “Where Did You Sleep Last Night” is spoken about in this article.
Aww! I feel like she was inspiring as well. She was so brave and strong. I feel like if I had to share a story like that, I’d crack.
AWWW Rhianna!!! I love your post and it’s nice to see how she has inspired you, although it is in an unexpected way.
What’s with all of the references to me in these posts?
At least pick the good things I say :(.