Oct 13 2009

A Disappointing Return

Published by Samantha under Tell Me Who You Are


The much-anticipated “Min Yé…(Tell Me Who You Are)” – which premiered in New York’s 47th Film Festival – was the comeback of director Souleymane Cissé after a 14-year absence. Though, as I’m told, this was not his best work, it was still an interesting film. It was my first independent film and while it did seem to drag on at times, it gave me an inside look at another culture. The way in which and mannerisms with which the women spoke was the most striking. It is nothing like American women and seems more dramatic. The only interesting part of the film was to notice how an (high pitched) “ehhh” functioned in their language. It was a common sound with so many different meanings, whether sarcastic or funny or angry. While I was disappointed, I do look forward to future independent films from him and other directors.

One response so far

One Response to “A Disappointing Return”

  1.   Fabiana Sagreraon 13 Oct 2009 at 3:08 pm

    Your picture describes the description of everyone that I was surrounded by. The lady next to me was making very angry noises as she expressed her disappointment. She left by 8:40ish.