Sep 11 2012

New Beginnings with a Macy’s Bag.

Published by under Show & Tell


It was a cold and gloomy Friday night, and my way of life was about to dramatically change. I was leaving Las Vegas and moving to Queens.  I was given one suitcase and a carry-on bag to put all of my things in. I knew I could only fit my clothes in the suitcase and my laptop in the carry-on bag. After saying goodbye to the things I couldn’t pack, I slowly unhooked my clothes from their hangers and neatly folded them on my spacious bed. Once all of my clothes laid neatly folded on my bed, I gently placed them inside of my suitcase. By the time I was done, my suitcase was bulging from the sides, and my favorite outfit was the only thing left on my bed. I tried cramming it in, but it would not fit.

I became sadder, realizing I was not going to be able to bring all of my clothes with me. I glanced around my room frantically searching for a solution. Then I saw this Macys bag lying at the bottom of my closet. I was thankful I didn’t throw it away and relieved that I could bring all of my clothes with me! I carried the Macys bag like it was own my baby through the airport. Once I got on the plane and quickly found my seat, I wrapped myself snuggly around my Macys bag and gently fell asleep. My Macys bag kept me toasty during the long, cold flight. My Macys bag was my safety blanket and my hero for the day! The outfit I have on right now is the outfit that I had in my Macys bag.


2 responses so far

2 Responses to “New Beginnings with a Macy’s Bag.”

  1.   jmukofskyon 13 Sep 2012 at 6:19 pm

    I like how you wrote this, you put a lot of feeling into it. While reading it, I felt as if I were there along with you. Are you now used to New York City or does the Macys bag make you feel homesick?


    •   dfunderlichon 18 Sep 2012 at 1:44 pm

      I am now used to being in New York City. The Macys bag makes me a little homesick at times, but when that happens I put the bag in my closet.


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