Nov 18 2012

Yes, it’s the Met, but no.

Published by under Carmen

As everyone knows, I am new to the city… Like many of my classmates, it was my first time at the opera. Honestly, it wasn’t something that I was looking forward to. What is the point if I can’t understand what the actors are saying?

I had an idea of what to expect. It is after, all the Metropolitan Opera House in New York City. I knew that people would be dressed up. And I kind of went against dressing up. I guess I’m a rebel.  I showed up, with two minutes to spare.  I didn’t have time to really admire the fountain or the outside of the building

When I got inside, a man just scanned  my ticket and told me that it was five floors up… Agh. I hate stairs. When I got up the five flights of stairs, it was aother five minutes before I was seated. Overall, the whole experience getting there wasn’t pleasant at all.

Now, on to the actual story. Since we read parts of the opera in class I had an idea of what to expect.  Carmen, a heartbreaker is the protagonist of the story.  And the overall plot is somewhat of a Shakespearean play. The drama is all there, and in the end we come to the realization that Carmen is a bloody free spirit who cannot commit to one man and loves to whore around. When you take a ring from a man, you honor that commitment—not throw the ring in his face after he’s forgiven you and has asked you to spend your miserable life with him.   Yet, all of this would be enthralling if you didn’t have to crane your neck to figure out who Carmen is.

The one thing I actually enjoyed was the set design. The revolving set that opened to reveal a castle and whatnot was very well done. Since it was so big, I actually could see it without trying to crane my neck and squint my eyes.

In general, the opera wasn’t something that I enjoyed. It was one of those events that I would rather not attend again. As cultured as I can be, it is something that I didn’t particularly didn’t find enriching or even worthwhile at all.

2 responses so far

2 Responses to “Yes, it’s the Met, but no.”

  1.   jmukofskyon 10 Dec 2012 at 10:48 pm

    I couldn’t help but laugh while reading this. After all, I know all too well about your hatred of stairs. I also agree, the seats were so high up you couldn’t tell who was who on the stage. Though, even if you didn’t enjoy it overall, what did you think of the singing?


    •   yafav132on 31 Dec 2012 at 12:35 am

      I like music… I really do. but I CANNOT STAND THIS TYPE OF BELTING. either talk or sing… dont combine it. -_-


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