Dec 21 2012

Rhythmic Seizure

There’s no other way to describe it. Cindy Blackman had a rythmic seizure as she drummed on her sparkling red drums, passionately striking her instrument during the enigmatic performance of the beloved Santana Trio. This entire show surprised me a lot, actually. Who knew that the usual spine and background of a song can successfully be the main melody? As a daughter of a drummer, I’ve listened to many percussion instruments from jam session to jam session but never have I heard such a classy, outrageous , and intricate way of playing. I was awestruck. For me, it was impossible to even think of sleeping or zoning out during the performance. Each song was slightly different and something about that was hypnotizing.


I  also enjoyed how the other two musicians complimented her drumming even when I could tell from their facial expressions that they were winging a few measures or so. I guess it is true that passion is unpredictable. And one can tell that she was feeling the music. Her entire body moved! It was almost like a dance or a work-out.

The Santana Trio outdid themselves and every member deserves all the recognition and praise possible. Unfortunately, I don’t recall the names of the two accompanists.

This was one of my first dives into the world of jazz. I now realize that I am due for more exploring.

2 responses so far

2 Responses to “Rhythmic Seizure”

  1.   Stevie Borrelloon 21 Dec 2012 at 8:45 pm

    I like the way you compare her movements to a rhythmic seizure. I don’t think there’s any better way to describe it. Kudos to you for not falling asleep at all. I admit that I did for a few minutes, just from the exhaustion of a long Monday. I hope you continue to explore the world of Jazz because it is vast and I believe there is a type of Jazz out there for everyone to enjoy.


    •   yafav132on 31 Dec 2012 at 9:56 am

      I have to agree with you Stevie, the comparison between her movements and a rhythmic seizure is great. but do you think that jazz is so vast that everyone, no matter his/her musical taste will find something to appreciate?


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