Sep 19 2012

time spent…

Published by under MORE

Spending a lot of time on something can really make it incredible. Thats what I learned from the two short films we watched in class, More and Madame Tutli Putli. Both films were created using stop frame animation, an extremely time consuming technique. Every minute of film represents hours upon hours of hard work and effort by the creators of the film. And when I watch it, I can really feel the superior quality that comes when passion is invested into a creation.

Interestingly, this idea is conveyed in the film More, when the bliss glasses are created from the literal passion of the creator, and they are a big hit. Bacause people like good things, and good things come from conviction.

These are the eyes of Madame Tutli Putli

The film Madame Tutli Putli also was made painstakingly. Aside from the obvious labor that the film making process must have taken, Each frame was edited and human eyes were inserted into Tutli Putli’s face to create a window to her “soul”. Each moment, the pair of eyes needs to match, needs to move smoothly, needs to flow. And the effects are done so well that it is almost impossible to sense exactly what it is that makes you feel. But then you realize.

Once, i heard something that stuck with me. The best type of makeuop is makeup that nobody can tell your wearing. The most expensive and flawless products are also the most natural and organic. The most valuable things are hardly detectable. Making something look simple is the most complicated task out there, and both of these films are perfectly and complicatedly simple. Ahhh.


One response so far

One Response to “time spent…”

  1.   Victoria Checaon 21 Dec 2012 at 2:38 pm

    It is incredible how these directors were able to put so much time and effort into these stop motion animations. I am sure they are very dedicated and patient. It is amazing how months and even years spent on a project like this would only result to a couple of minutes of film. The had to take so much time making the smallest movements and then just taking a picture and doing it all over again. I agree that it did look simple but from first hand experience on doing my final project it was so complex.


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