Sep 25 2012

A New Way to Appreciate Old Buildings

Published by under Cultural Passport Event

I went to 5Pointz Aerosol Art Center, expecting to see the usual crude graffiti that I’ve grown used to in the City, but was blown away by the artistic genius that covers the walls of the decrepit, abandoned buildings. It is mind-blowing how such an ugly part of Queens has managed to become a hotspot of creativity for artists worldwide. Because the vivid colors and detailed paintings are nestled amongst such dirt and decay, instead of in a beautiful museum, the level of expertise of the participating artists is amplified. I still have no idea as to how they can spray-paint on all those different kinds of surfaces. It really has to be seen to be believed. For whoever thinks “graffiti” isn’t art (I put it in quotes because 5Pointz is reserved specifically for this use so it is 100% legal) I really urge you to give it another shot. Because maybe you’ll learn to see ugliness for what it really is – an opportunity to infuse beauty.


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