Oct 05 2012

Graffiti Gone Wild

When people hear the word graffiti they usually cringe or look down upon the practice.  They think graffiti is done by rebellious teens who want to damage other peoples’s property.  But this is not the case.  Graffiti is a type of art and  few weeks ago I went to 5Pointz Aerosol Art Center, located in Long Island City, New York, where I saw graffiti being utilized to the fullest of its potential.

This old 200,000 square foot factory building has been called the “graffiti Mecca” by many artists, and it is very obvious why.  Graffiti artists from all over the world come to paint on this building.  Walking around the entire perimeter, you can see each artists distinct style and the detail that goes into all the pieces.  While I was there, I observed an artist creating an outstanding masterpiece that would’ve taken many people weeks or even months to complete, but what he probably finished within a day or two.  That is another amazing thing about 5Pointz.  You might go there one week and see some artist’s graffiti, and the next week it is covered by another artist’s piece of work.  I don’t understand how someone can put so much time and effort into something when they know it will be gone in such a short period of time. Hopefully someone will view it and photograph it before it disappears.  It shows people that these artists don’t just paint at 5Pointz for the fame, but because they truly love art and want to express it.  Even if not one other person sees their work, they will still feel proud and accomplished to have painted their graffiti at 5Pointz.


While at 5Pointz some of the people who work at the center told us that the owner of the building is trying to sell, because it is pointless to be paying for an abandoned building when they can be making a profit by selling it.  I was upset by this because I find beauty when people are able to make something amazing out of an abandoned building, just as they did at 5Pointz.  In my hometown of Beacon, NY, there are many old factory buildings that haven’t been used for almost a century.  Instead of taking them down they have been transformed into different art exhibitions, such as Electric Windows, and some have been made into natural parks.  People do not realize how much history and story is behind buildings.  When these historic buildings are taken down, a supermarket or commercial store is usually put up in its place.  Wouldn’t you rather see a historical factory building covered in beautiful murals or artistic graffiti than see another Walmart?

It’s important to keep places like 5Pointz so we, as students, can experience and see great art, even when we might not think it is.  What I like most about 5Pointz is that you don’t expect it to be so amazing and breathtaking, so when you see it for the first time your speechless.  It made me realize that you musty expect the unexpected when looking at art, and to always keep an open mind.

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