Oct 19 2012

Opera: For Us Plain Folks?

Published by under Carmen

The opera has always been something I knew about, but I never actually imagined myself going to one; it was the type of show which only fancy, upper-class folks could enjoy. I was wrong though, and I have to say I had a great first time. Joining the throngs of people entering the opera house, I felt like I was part of the New York upper-class culture. A stereotypical typical night out: dinner and the opera. I savored the experience.

Metropolitan Opera House

I love how opera combines many different forms of art: drama, dance, and music. One of my favorite parts was the orchestra. From way up high in the uppermost balcony, I was fascinated as I  watched the musicians play their respective instruments, all so synchronised down to the millisecond. I think the music accompaniment to the acting is so vital because it greatly intensifies the feeling and emotion towards the acts.

About “Carmen” specifically, I was frustrated by her character. I found her to be so stubborn and foolish, and I really disliked her haughtiness. It was as if she could dictate her wishes to the world, and she was indifferent to her surroundings. Her downfall was completely her own fault! I wished she would change, and then the outcome would have been so different.

The Metropolitan Opera is great way for anyone to spend a night. And don’t worry, the Met Opera seats so many people, there will surely be room for you to join!

One response so far

One Response to “Opera: For Us Plain Folks?”

  1.   jackelynediazon 24 Nov 2012 at 7:39 pm

    Your post made me wonder what the opera would have been like without music. I think it would be bland to say the least. Just as you were fascinated by the music, I was fascinated by the projection of the performer’s voices. It’s incredible to think that they sing so loud and beautifully at the same time for SUCH a long time. 3 plus hours with small breaks in between! I can barely talk for half an hour without needing water and silence in hopes of still talking in the future so I can’t imagine how the opera singers feel when they’re done performing for the night.


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