Oct 26 2012


Published by under House/Divided

I loved last nights theater production at BAM. After climbing all million steps and then climbing into my impossibly high chair, I was sweating and not so in the mood. But i got excited when I saw the fragmented house on the stage, and got ready for a show that was bound to be interesting.

It was incredible.

When I was in 12th grade, my school put on a production, and I was “tech head”, in charge of all technological aspects of the production. The production was multi-media, with projections and videos and serious props and acting, dancing, singing. I spent countless  hours in the computer lab, working in powerpoint and flash- I felt like I was best friends with Adobe. Even more hours were spent in the back of the theater, on a headset, explaining to the guys behind the scenes when to point which light where, when to open the projector lens, where to stand at what moment. I had to stand in the back during the actual play, pressing play and pause and stop and go. And our Manhattan High School production did not come anywhere near House/Divided.

I guess I can appreciate the technology a lot because I first-handedly understand how much effort needs to be put in (the computer really doesn’t know what to do on its own). It was truly incredible. I cant even put into words how impressed I am.

Aside from the technology, the actual content was incredible also. Comparing the content of The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck, about the economy of yesteryear, with the present day’s economy was such a creative and powerful idea. Then, they were kicked out of their homes and oppressed because the times were changing. They had no power to stop it, they were helpless. Today, there is no difference. The people are kicked out of their homes, and there is nothing they can do about it, even as they watch their possessions being dumped at the curb.

The ending of the production was also great. I love the comparison of the green grass that will come tomorrow with the positive green ticker symbols that will flash on the stock exchange screen. It brought hope to the table, which is always a good way to end a production.


The feelings and emotions that the play’s content produced could not have been conveyed the same way without all of the technology, and it is so important to realize how much the media matters.

It was incredible.

2 responses so far

2 Responses to “O.M.G.”

  1.   pgoldbergon 28 Oct 2012 at 2:54 pm

    That comparison of the grass to the green ticker symbols is amazing! As I fellow MHS alumnus, I can also attest to the fact that our productions were nothing compared to House/Divided, but you still did an amazing job Nomi! Remember that you had Photoshop and a nonexistent budget to work with, while I’m sure that these guys had a bit more sophisticated technology on hand. You did the best you could and I’m really proud of you.


  2.   Stevie Borrelloon 11 Dec 2012 at 11:40 am

    I really think it’s great that you understand all the time and effort that was put into making the show. I have performed in productions, but I didn’t really do the technical stuff. When I saw all the work that the stage and tech crew had to do I couldn’t believe it. I commend and thank you for all the work that you do, because it’s you guys that make a show successful. And I think House/Divided really highlights the hard work of a tech crew.


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