Oct 29 2012


Published by under House/Divided


This play production was like no other. To experience this was truly breath-taking in my perspective. The idea of having the actual play being played on the house and to use the house as a prop throughout the show was truly incredible and it was done beautifully. The one thing that really stood out with me was that they didn’t just give facts. It wasn’t all about facts, it was about telling a story, giving a side and showing the people what happened. It was more about showing the people what went on during the market crash rather than telling them what went on. I guess that is what draws my attention the most because it just helps clarify the incident.

Another thing that truly drew my attention was the parallelism that they used. The connected the two time periods, which were the Dust Bowl and the housing bubble  and used it into one production. It just shows that no matter what time period it is, whether it is the past or the present, people don’t learn form their mistakes. During the 1920s, we experienced a great economic disaster, and in the present we are basically following that same path, Americans don’t learn. Just a thought that came through my head.

I guess another thing that surprised me was that I knew exactly what the actors or the script was saying. I knew exactly what was going on and knew exactly what they director was trying to get at through this play. I guess I actually learned something from getting placed into Business 1000H. Thank you Professor O’Malley.

2 responses so far

2 Responses to “House/Divided”

  1.   Natalie Mae De Pazon 05 Nov 2012 at 9:48 am

    YES ! I knew what the EPS was when they were talking about which lead me to understand more of the stocks and business jargon that was so prominent in the play. Like you, I’m thanking our sweet ol’ Irish business professor. At the same time, I am now confused and kind of afraid to grow up and face all of the housing mess.

    But anyway, because the subject of the play is so current and real, it was easier to relate to and connect with. I have seen people undergo the same stresses as what those people are going through and it is definitely rough. Did you feel a relation or connection with the play also?


  2.   jackelynediazon 25 Nov 2012 at 12:26 am

    You mentioned that it was great seeing people talk about their experiences because it made the whole production and background information easier to understand. I agree with that but then it made me wonder what the production would have been like if it focused on just one person’s experience in the present day housing bubble and one family back during the Great Depression. It would have followed a more movie-like plot line and character development which I think would have been really interesting to watch. Even the way they presented it that day, the production was engaging and relatable and seeing people talk about their experiences definitely made the story come to life.


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