Nov 18 2012

Monet as Modern Art?

Published by under MOMA : The Scream

I have a confession. I do not understand modern art. Probably because I’m cynical, reductionist and not in touch with my artistic side. There are no shortage of reasons, but the truth is that when I see random shapes and colors splayed out on a canvas that is all I see, nothing more nothing less. The trip to the MOMA changed my perspective on art in general, and I’m not saying that I now love modern art ,but I have started to gain an appreciation for modern art. It was not due to The Scream or the New Photography  exhibit but rather it was in the Monet exhibit where I found beauty in art.

In all fairness, I looked at “The Scream” and other paintings but I kind of drifted over them with an uninterested gaze. I felt nothing when I looked at “The Scream” and the other paintings, so I decided to wander aimlessly. If we are being completely honest I only found the Monet section because it had couches and there was a cute European girl sitting down. Naturally I sat down next to her and she walked away. Heartbreaking as this was it was all for the best because I now turned to actually look at the art in front of me. It was Monet’s famous Reflections of Clouds on  the Water-Lily Pond painting(as shown above). And as any museum attendee would I sat and beheld the painting in front of me. But this time I did not think about the painting I just sat there and looked. I observed every stroke mark and  the shades of blues and greens that clashed and collided with each other to form a seamless painting. It was beautiful.

It was peaceful to be in the presence of such a painting and I sat there for the next half an hour. It was this experience that made me less cynical and helped me understand the purpose of art. I used to think art was just about making something aesthetically pleasing to the eye and thats why I could not understand modern art with its vague shapes and abstractness. However after my experience at the MOMA I understand that art is about capturing beauty and conveying it through any means. This was an important lesson for me to learn and the first step towards liking modern art and as a result I will always be grateful to the cute European girl that walked away.

3 responses so far

3 Responses to “Monet as Modern Art?”

  1.   Natalie Mae De Pazon 08 Dec 2012 at 4:13 pm

    I feel you. No really, I was never one to fully understand or appreciate modern art but now that I am more and more exposed to it, I think I am beginning to find the beauty and purpose behind the different pieces and mediums. I’m glad you are too 🙂 Monet is brilliant. I agree when you say that it gives off a sense of calmness or peacefulness. I felt serenity.


  2.   Thomas Seuberton 11 Dec 2012 at 6:24 pm

    Moto-con? How? … Anyway, I still often don’t get modern art. Random shapes and figures doesn’t speak to me. I think my disposition in general excludes me from experiencing modern art in the ways that I should; maybe I’m just not deep like that. I did like the Scream though. It was different. It was strange. That is how far I go.


  3.   Brian Boggioon 21 Dec 2012 at 2:40 am

    Shhhh, don’t tell anyone, but I’m pretty sure even the artist has no idea what they mean when they’re painting something more modern. But that’s alright, because it means that the viewer can project their own understanding onto the piece, which is an interesting concept in itself. I’m glad I’m not the only one that appreciated the water lilies though!


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