Nov 25 2012

NoMo MoMa

The Scream exhibit at MoMa is quite a sight. From the original draft of the famous painting to different visions of the meaning of the Scream, the exhibit held everything for original art enthusiasts. I enjoyed the different paintings and some of the sculptures that were shown in the connected rooms as well, especially the paintings of birds that were derived from photographs, these painting looked so real I actually took them for real photographs but they were drawings. Some of the other large paintings were quite beautiful, looking like huge flowers with lots of different colors and textures within the painting. Then we walked into the New Photography exhibit. I’m not sure how to describe the things that I saw, I think the best word would be strange, and even that’s a huge understatement. I saw many “modern” things that I would prefer not to describe or say for the sanctity of this blog. I understand that modern art is very progressive and “out there,” but this was just too much for me. I like the paintings and photographs that teach you something or show you some iconic scene in history, but photographs of pe…….sexual body parts, just aren’t my thing. I guess I’m just old school about my art. Every one has different tastes and opinions, my palate is just too sensitive for that kind of stuff.

6 responses so far

6 Responses to “NoMo MoMa”

  1.   dfunderlichon 06 Dec 2012 at 12:40 pm

    I love your title! Its very creative! I agree with you that the MOMA is quite a sight. I enjoyed how you talked about art enthusiasts and common viewers. This gave me the sense that everyone could enjoy the paintings regardless of prior knowledge. I also didn’t know to describe what I saw in the New Photography exhibit, but I was quiete impressed with it. What would have made your experience more enjoyable? What was your favorite work of art and why? What sense do you gain from this work of art?


  2.   Natalie Mae De Pazon 08 Dec 2012 at 4:06 pm

    Hah. That hyperlink to Psychology Today is hilarious and is very accurate. Though I wasn’t exactly scared of the modern art, I was perplexed and can see why others could have taken it that way. I agree with the way you praised the artwork in the beginning. It takes a lot of hardwork and vision in order to pull off anything in the MoMa. I do think that my palette is too…mm, normal (?) for that also. I do appreciate though.


  3.   Thomas Seuberton 10 Dec 2012 at 6:44 pm

    The “stuff” in MoMa is kind of cool, but an open mind is necessary. I think The Scream is one giant mind-f***. I mean what is this guy screaming about? What do you think that guy was thinking?


    •   yafav132on 31 Dec 2012 at 12:21 am

      I feel that there is more a mix of surprise and fear. there is no definite answer… maybe the title is a clue..


  4.   bmcintyreon 22 Dec 2012 at 12:25 pm

    The whole museum is a mind-f*** Tom. The one room we went into with the various glowing pe…sexual body parts made me feel like I was in the Sex Museum on 5th ave! Some of the other things that were in there were also strange and the ones that weren’t seemed mediocre in skill.


    •   yafav132on 31 Dec 2012 at 12:23 am

      You’ve been there too? xD
      I felt that while the art in the museum is modern… sometimes modern is a bit too much.


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