Nov 28 2012

“Stevie…you are just awful.”

Published by under Cultural Passport Event

There are times that I hate my short term memory, mainly when it lets me continue going to cultural events with Stevie. Every single event we’ve had thus far has resulted in me arriving late because of Stevie’s inability to manage her time. This may come as a shock to most of you but our journey the Museum of Natural History was no different. I suggested that we leave shortly after Freshman Seminar so that we had plenty of time before IDC. Stevie however had to complete an interview and we left at 12 instead. We then needed to stop by the Macaulay building so that she could pick up her video camera. I assume Stevie sensed my imminent angry rant and suggested that we stop for food…which was definitely a good choice for her sake. We then decided to walk to the museum through the rain and sleet until we reached the WRONG side of the building. Instead of simply strolling to the other side, Stevie thought we could get in through the planetarium. After stopping at multiple desks and standing in a few lines we encountered a man with a snide attitude for whom I almost had a few choice words. At long last we entered the museum from the correct entrance and I began to discover the dinosaurs all over again. Names, eating habits and habitats all came flooding back as I gazed at the skeletons of these million year old beasts.  It seemed strange to me that it had been so long that I had been to the Museum of Natural History since as a young child I knew nearly every dinosaur there was. This trip was a nice stroll down memory lane and although Stevie drives me crazy sometimes it was nice to have some company especially from someone that was a dinosaur nut like myself. Oh and Stevie Tyrannosaurus Rex is better than a triceratops…

One response so far

One Response to ““Stevie…you are just awful.””

  1.   Stevie Borrelloon 21 Dec 2012 at 8:25 pm

    Okay, first of all I’m not that awful. And you know that you had a good laugh after everything happened. Whenever I walk past the museum now I cannot stop thinking about that experience because it was just too funny. Thanks for giving me a newfound appreciation for The Museum of Natural History. I hope we can take another trip there soon, and hopefully you won’t kill me!


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