Dec 06 2012

Remembering the fallen.

Published by under Cultural Passport Event

I feel like sometimes we forget the bad stuff that has happened.

Yesterday, after some great Japanese food, Jen and I wondered off in search or what to do.  We ended up taking the E train to the World Trade Center.  I wasn’t sure what to expect or even what we were going to do once we got there. I guess it came down to getting tickets to go to the 9/11 Memorial. Getting the tickets was fairly easy. I think we left a three-dollar donation… now, getting to the actual memorial entrance was another story. But we made it… and we only got lost about three times on the way there.   Security was really tight. Almost like airport security, sans taking off the shoes. But once we were inside, I had mixed feelings about it.  The first things you see are trees. Lots of them. Then there is a structure in the shadows of where the twin towers stood. They are pools that drop the water into what seems the oblivion. Around these pools the names of those who perished during the attacks are engraved.

I was feeling very inspired by Mexicanism: The Documentary. So at the directory of the names engraved, I looked up people that had been born in Mexico. Only one name came up—a window cleaner. I guess it made me wonder if it had only been that one man in the WTC or if others hadn’t been accounted for.

On the way back to the train, Jen told me about how 9/11 had affected her family. I never expected the kind of consequences it had on people that hadn’t been directly affected by it.

One response so far

One Response to “Remembering the fallen.”

  1.   jmukofskyon 10 Dec 2012 at 10:59 pm

    While we were there I kept wondering what you were thinking and how you felt about it all. I kept wondering and am still wondering, how did that day come across in other states far from New York? Also, I found the airport security a little annoying.


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