Dec 11 2012


Cindy Blackman performs with everything she has. The audience can see her grit, patience, practice, planning, creativity, and passion. Her coordination and timing were unlike anything I have ever seen. Though I can’t say I am familiar with jazz, I never really knew of a jazz drummer being so emphatic and violent on his or her instrument.

Blackman wasn’t the only highlight of the concert though. Who can forget the pianist? I found the electric piano dull and really only something that can be utilized in the background. But when he stepped over to the Steinway piano–wow. I was never got really good with the piano when I took lessons. I had the hardest time learning even the simplest, most structured pieces. This guy, meanwhile, was all over the place. I mean that in a good way. His scale fill-ins and comping seemed random and unplanned. Yet, it was all perfect and precise.

courtesy of

     Still, Blackman stole the show. The way she beat those drums and then tapped them gently was phenomenal. She played often times with her eyes closed, only opening them to smile at her other co-performers. The energy she exhibited was exceptional and her entire performance showed just how much love, effort, and enthusiasm she puts into her instrument.

The real question is: What was she doing at Baruch? And the follow-up would have to be: When will she come back?

2 responses so far

2 Responses to “WOW”

  1.   pgoldbergon 12 Dec 2012 at 1:13 am

    Haha Tom…I was thinking the same thing! Hello, she played for Lenny Kravitz for 14 years, couldn’t she have gotten a better gig? Whatever, maybe Baruch is the best college ever? Just a thought.


  2.   nomibrodieon 13 Dec 2012 at 4:44 pm

    Im not sure about that, Pessia!
    But Tom, I also liked her contrast between hard drumming and gentle tapping. The way she did it made it feel so natural- like losing your breath and then taking a break to catch up with yourself.


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