Dec 13 2012

Wanted: Female Drummers

As a child my mom always told me, “If you want to learn how to play an instrument, learn to play the drums.”  Every time I inquired why the reason was always the same.  “There are barely any female drummers.”  She was right.  There are hardly any female drummers, and why?  Women can definitely pull this off.  If they try they can even be better than Lars Ulrich from Metallica!

One main example of this would be Cindy Blackman Santana.  Despite the fact that I had never heard of her and never heard her play I was sure she would give an outstanding performance.  This was probably due to the reactions of the people sitting around me.  Before she even stepped on stage a woman in the row before mine, probably in her 50’s if I had to guess, leaned over to her friend and like a little girl squealed “I’m so excited!!”  Then the moment she stepped on stage the four people in front of me were all shaking their heads no in disbelief.  During the first applause the one man was snapping his fingers, he was probably a long time fan.  Then when the music finally began almost simultaneously they all began nodding their heads in utter approval of what they were hearing.

It made sense because Mrs. Santana was just that brilliant when she played.  Unlike the other two in her trio she didn’t have notes to read off of, she was going by what she knew, what she practiced long and hard to be able to play.  The expressions on her face showed how truly into it she was.

The only aspect of this performance I didn’t like was how the drums drowned out the sounds of the two other instruments.  At times it almost seemed like a one-person performance.  What was interesting about this, however, was the fact that the two other artists were given solos.

What I found amazing was how fast she was able to play.  At times I couldn’t even see the drumsticks anymore, or maybe this was because I just have bad eyes.  But it felt like she was playing so fast they seemed to disappear and even leave after images.  Also, what I’ve always found impressive was just the ability to play the drums because that includes moving all four limbs to different beats.  At times the right and left hand would be hitting two different drums at two different rhythms and speeds, while the right foot would keep a constant beat using the petal and the left foot would keep a different, yet still constant, beat on a separate pedal for symbols.  She made this look simple.

I hope Cindy Blackman Santana is able to inspire more women to become drummers.  Without a doubt they can play just as hard and amazing as male drummers do.


One response so far

One Response to “Wanted: Female Drummers”

  1.   Victoria Checaon 21 Dec 2012 at 12:08 pm

    It’s amazing how she was able to breakthrough a male dominated field of playing the drums. I am so surprised how much stamina she had to swiftly bang those drums. I know I would have been so tired and I would feel as if my arms would fall off. I agree that she out-staged the other people in the performance. But that’s is why it’s called the Cindy Blackman Santana Trio; because it’s her show. I am sure she is an inspiration to all female drummers.


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