Dec 16 2012

Listen to the Beat

I thought the Cindy Blackman Santana was an amazing drummer. She showed raw power and passion in her performance. She constantly had her eyes closed because she knew what she was doing. She closely listened to the music rather than looking at which part of the drums to hit. I thought the pianist and the guitarist were just going along with her beat and trying to compliment it. Sometimes I felt that the drums were very overpowering and it drowned out the music from the rest of the instruments. I applaud her stamina. I understand that it would take a lot of energy from banging on the drums in a fast and frequent motion. She would go so fast that you could barely see her drumsticks. Now Cindy Blackman Santana is the perfect example of a strong and intense woman. She is able to master an instrument that is usually dominated by men and yet have this sensitive feminine touch to her work. This is the last event that my IDC class has offered and it has definitely been memorable. The musical event was the cherry on top to an amazing semester filled with the opera, plays, dance and films.


3 responses so far

3 Responses to “Listen to the Beat”

  1.   jacquelinebiermanon 17 Dec 2012 at 10:32 am

    I also think that it was a fantastic performance and Blackman is an awesome drummer. I think that because she is one of the few female drummers, she can serve as an inspiration and motivation for other aspiring drummers. The music really did show how she is so strong and intense. It’s great that you appreciated this event so much because it was last!


  2.   Cassie Luion 19 Dec 2012 at 9:27 pm

    I found it amazing that she dominated the drums when usually it is dominated by men, as you said. It’s an example of how women can do practically anything men can do. I love the fact that she closed her eyes during majority of the the show. It really showed her passion and how close she was to music and what she was doing. She honestly made me want to go back to playing the piano and finding my passion for it just as she found her passion in the drums.


  3.   Konstantin Dukhovnyyon 21 Dec 2012 at 3:48 pm

    Her drumming definitely breaks any gender barrier that men are better than women in music. She is too good for too many reasons. She can play the drums better than anyone I have ever seen. But I agree she was overpowering in some parts of her performance. This was a trio but felt more like a solo.


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