Dec 20 2012

The Day Before the End

The Politics of Art & Authenticity was a totally new experience for me. I have never taken an arts related course before. I usually just took Science and Mathetmatic classes.  I enjoyed going to all of the events over

 the course of the school year. I learned so much, and I can’t believe that it went by so fast. The Katherine Vaz event opened my eyes to a new experience of writing and reading. The Opera allowed me to experience something that I have always wanted to experience since I was a little child. My all time favorite was the Wild with Happy Event. House Divided intrigued me because it dealt with my interest of business and the stock market.

I poured my heart and soul into my video project. I spent over twenty hours on it making sure every detail was right and that it was perfect. I wasn’t sure if I was doing it right, but I was deeply disappointed to find out that I didn’t do it right. But, now I know what I did it wrong, and I would have did several things to change it to make it much better. I would have added a voice over instead of music. I would have explained in detail why the buffet, pirate show, and all the other great things about Vegas that make it special to me in more detail. I am glad that I learned a lot from this experience. College is more about grades. It is more about having enriching life experiences.

I am glad the Macaulay Honors College allows us to take classes dealing with arts, and allowing us to minor in the arts so we get a more balanced education.

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