Dec 20 2012

We’re All Artists

Art is everywhere. That’s what I learned from this semester’s IDC class. It’s not just in museums or large theaters.

Art is in reading a book (Katherine Vaz), in moving around and saying random words (Barnard Fall project), and most importantly, inside every one of us (Me, being corny). There is no “right way” to make art, because it’s based totally on our personal feelings and perceptions. Also, with art, everyone can take it whatever’s most meaningful to them. It’s kind of like a Rorschach test, where what you see is based totally on your individual thoughts and experiences.

I loved that after going to a show, our class had a forum where we could post our unique impressions and opinions. It really taught me that  a) my way isn’t the only way and   b) people have really interesting thoughts, if you only take the time to ask them.
Also, the multimedia projects that we made proved that every person is in some way an artist. Whether they have sick moviemaking skills or an ability to make people laugh, everyone has their “thing” that they were able to display.

I think I kind of summed this all up through my own final project. In my movie, I tried to show how there isn’t one “right way” to learn. How learning is done through experiencing life, not just by sitting in a classroom. This overall theme especially applies to art. Art isn’t only in going to museums or in watching plays and films.  And there is definitely no one “right way” to make or view art. As with learning, we can experience art at any time and in any place. It’s just up to us to either recognize it or create it ourselves.

Congratulations you guys!

You are 1/4 done with your Interdisciplinary Minor with Honors in New York City Studies

See! You really are an artist!

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