Dec 20 2012

What I Have Learned (Final Post)

Dare to try something new. You may never forget it.


Ignore the stale old couples; the ones who drink their “oh so very dry” champagne with pursed lips and looks of annoyance because “children” are at a “mature event.” They are the immature ones.  


Laugh to yourself  about the pretentious pretty-boy whose sole physical purpose in this world is to look like he “doesn’t care,” yet acts as if he breathes art, knowing its in’s-and-out’s.


Most importantly, cut through the bull. Do not “sign on” to an idea or feeling “just because.” Listen to what you think, do not be swayed. But acknowledge what others have to say and take it as it is worth.


Experience a new experience as if you have never experienced anything experiential. Walk through it with an open-mind and (pardon the cliche) an open-heart. Walk through it like a child, wide-eyed and eager.


Don’t be afraid to hate something.


Don’t be afraid to love something.




These simple statements are the things I have learned about art and life over the few months in this class. 


Oh and… Brian is a tool. 😉



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