Dec 21 2012

The End

What a semester. I didn’t really know what this class would entail – I thought we would just go to a bunch of art museums. But we saw short films and operas and plays and films and dances and it wasn’t really what I had thought of as art in the classical sense, but in the sense that artwork is art in the eye of the beholder – it is everywhere, enriching and enhancing our lives. I used to think art meant analyzing old paintings like the Mona Lisa and The Scream, painted hundreds of years ago by people that were born artistic, people that surpassed the normal levels of art and created new expectations and levels for artists. While that is all true, that isn’t solely what art is. Because art extends past a paintbrush and a canvas, and it covers movies, photography, music, drama, dance, literature, and more.

I never thought of myself as an artist, and I still don’t. But I can still admire and appreciate artwork and value it in my life. I got to see so many forms of art, think about them and reflect on them, read others’ reflections on them, and gain a new appreciation for art in New York City, and anywhere else in the world. Above all, I got to expand my horizons, which is the most important thing, and something to take away with me from this class and look forward to in other college classes.


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