Oct 19 2012

A Cruel Ending for a Cruel Character

Published by under Carmen

When I first entered the magnificent Met building I fell in love with the snowflake light fixtures. Did anyone else notice how they look like snowflakes? It really felt like I had entered a magical world that was a time capsule of olden-day entertainment.  Though I had to climb several flights of stairs to reach my seat, the acoustics were as amazing as promised. I’m pretty sure everyone could hear me trying to surreptitiously open the wrapper of my snack. Though I can’t say for sure that I would pay to come again, it was one of those experiences that I’m happy to have had at least once in my lifetime.

The opera itself, Carmen, though it has a breathtaking orchestra, has a plot which left me feeling glad about the title character’s demise. Why does she think it’s okay to jerk people around like that? Though I don’t condone murder, I can see why Don Jose was ticked off at her. The whole time she pretends to love him, but at the same time encourages him to leave her. Make up your mind, woman! If she plans to make every man crazy about her, she has to expect that one might literally go crazy.

2 responses so far

2 Responses to “A Cruel Ending for a Cruel Character”

  1.   Natalie Mae De Pazon 05 Nov 2012 at 10:46 am

    YES! The setting was amazing. I felt so fancy, to be honest. The lights and chandeliers were so elegant and regal. I loved them too! I thought it was so cool, the way they moved up and down. We should all go to another show one time.. maybe at a lower level so we don’t have to climb so far. Haha 🙂


  2.   Brian Boggioon 07 Dec 2012 at 1:53 am

    I don’t think I’ve ever heard someone blame Carmen for her own murder, but there’s a first for everything! I don’t think she was trying to make every man crazy for her, she was just a woman who knew what she wanted, and went after it. Sure, that’s not the nicest, or best thing to do, but if Don Jose didn’t flip-flop every single act, maybe he wouldn’t have went coo-coo for coco puffs.

    (Anyway, yes, those lights were flawless and obviously the best part of the Met. Hands down.)


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