Nov 18 2012

If This is Modern Dance…

Eccentric. Definitely the most eccentric thing I’ve ever seen. I just didn’t think it was a dance. It seemed like they were just moving, shaking, waddling, but not dancing. But then, I guess dance is really what you make it. Yet, if there was some message they were trying to get across, I surely didn’t understand it. In the first act, were they

trying to swim? Why did they randomly say the word “swim” every so often? In the second act, why did the girls keep repeating their names? And why was each introduced with a name that she then corrected? And the list of questions goes on and on. I was simply confused as to what they were doing and why they were doing it. I also think that music would’ve helped the performance by making it more interesting. The dancers of the Barnard Fall Project performed works by four different choreographers, some of whose works I glimpsed at online. I saw some similarities. I think it’s great that everyone can express themselves through art, here, particularly through the art of dance. It seems like “modern” in the world of the arts is weird and out of the ordinary, nothing like the quintessential form of the art that one would expect. If this is modern dance, I think I’ll stick with the old days’ classics.

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