Nov 18 2012

Um… Okay then.

Why the tape? Why? I was willing to forgive everything about Thursday evening, but the tape was just inexcusable.

The Barnard Fall Project was a series of…modern… dances choreographed to make the viewer confused and slightly less smart. Okay, maybe that wasn’t exactly it, but that’s what it did for me. Modern dance has its merits, but the only way you’re going to understand any of it is if you’ve studied modern dance, or you’re tripping on something. (If the first piece was them swimming in a pond, why were they doing lunges? Dancing should be fun. Lunges aren’t fun.)

This was like the only picture on Google and we didn’t even see this dance.

I appreciated the performances, but that’s about it. They were filled with dedicated and skilled performers who do miraculous feats of jumping and prancing that makes me exhausted just watching, but I didn’t get any of it. It was just a lot of jumping and twirling. Whenever the music would stop and there would be five minutes of silent “dancing,” it was practically unbearable. I don’t want to see you marching like a penguin from one side of the stage in silence, alright? (I want that one song at the end as my ringtone though. That was the highlight.)

I could look past all of this though, because these were performances that people devoted time and effort too, and I’m sure they all knew exactly what they were doing and I’m sure whatever message they were trying to convey got across wonderfully. And then there was the tape. Which had no purpose whatsoever. They wasted tape. I was really looking forward for something to happen with the tape, but I got nothing. The tape went on the ground and then it got trashed afterwards. Why?

It was all one big “Why?”

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