Nov 19 2012

NY Hall of Science: Just for kids?

Published by under Cultural Passport Event

I always had the notion that the NY Hall of Science was just for kids. That could possibly be because I was brought there numerous times by each of my schools right up until fifth grade when we slept over at the museum.  Maybe it was because I only ever saw younger children there.  However because of such reasoning, after fifth grade I just stopped going.

Up until I got my Macaulay passport I had almost completely forgotten about the museum.  When I first say the NY Hall of Science listed on the back of the card I thought they were insane to put it there.  No college student would go there, it was for kids.  Yet my inner child screamed, “Choose that one!”  Somehow I wound up giving in.

Upon entering I remembered one important detail my memories had left out.  Yes, every exhibit was fun and seemed like a toy, however I didn’t understand most of them as a kid.  I either didn’t understand the exhibits or made no attempt to try to because I wasn’t interested in science at all.  The museum was completely new to me again, filled with information ready to be learned while playing with the devices set out to help children understand scientific concepts.

All explanations seemed to be dumbed down as much as possible.  I was amazed at how much I had learned in the seven years since I last visited.  Despite many differences in the layout of the museum and quite a few new displays, I was glad to see the same exhibits there that I remembered from the last time I had gone.  It felt like going home again after a long absence.

There were my favorites: the shadow room, the optical illusion room, the walls which cast your shadows in assorted colors, and the bubble wall.  I still cannot tell anyone the dynamics of these or why they’re even there besides to look interesting.  They seemed more like works of art or machines made to create art.

I hope they continue to add and improve upon new exhibits because going to a museum like this creates a memory that stays with a child for a lifetime.   The Hall of Science offers more than just a fun house or artistic designs meant to represent some sort of model.  It is also a place of learning where anyone and everyone is welcome.

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