Dec 13 2012

Jazz Drummer!

I really didn’t know what to expect when I heard we were going to see Cindy Blackman Santana, a jazz drummer. I mean, I’ve seen and heard drums played but I just couldn’t imagine why we’d go specifically for it. I was wonderfully surprised. I really enjoyed the concert.


I watched Cindy Blackman intently while she was playing the drums. When she played, it was as if she was transformed into a different world. Everything about her was drumming. Her facial expressions, her hands, her legs, her whole being was part of the drumming experience. It was amazing to watch. I was shocked at how long she could go on without needing a break.

The fact that it was a trio was a bit awkward, I think, because the drums totally overpowered the other two. Perhaps it would have been better if they had more of a part, or maybe even none at all, which would change it from a trio to a solo.

Besides for that, I really enjoyed it! I imagine it is years of training and experience to get where she is today. Blackman is truly talented!


3 responses so far

3 Responses to “Jazz Drummer!”

  1.   Brian Boggioon 19 Dec 2012 at 9:36 pm

    “…it was as if she was transformed into a different world.” Yes! That’s exactly what I thought! It was certainly a new type of musical performance, but you’re right, it was worth it. I don’t get what you mean about the guitarist and the pianist not having more parts, didn’t you hear their solos?


    •   jtraubeon 20 Dec 2012 at 4:44 pm

      I meant that while they were all playing, I could basically only hear the drums, and if it was meant to be a trio, the drums shouldn’t have totally over-powered them!


  2.   dfunderlichon 21 Dec 2012 at 8:13 am

    I really didn’t know what to expect either when I saw this performance. I really enjoyed the concert too! I agree with you that it seemed like she was transformed into a different world while she was playing the drums. I noticed her facial expressions as well and I was delighted that she played with so much passion. I also felt the drums overpowered the two. Why do you think Blackman plays with such passion? What could have been done to make the concert more enjoyable for you?


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