Dec 21 2012

I cant believe I am writing my final post!

This semester, I have learned so much. Both from the positive experiences and the negative ones, (AKA getting my first B), I have gleaned a glimpse into improving my work and making myself better through it.

Creating a project is not just a school assignment. It is something of my creation, an artifact of my life, a semester’s worth of memories. A project is a testament to how much I know and my talents and my abilities to translate them into something amazing.

I have the power to translate skills and knowledge into something amazing.

But true power can only come from empowerment, and this class is what empowered me. With confidence in my own work, sometimes questioning where I went wrong, always learning from mistakes and achievements.

I can only hope that the classes I take in the future provide me with as much insight and self-growth, but I seriously doubt that.

Guys, thanks for everything.

See ya round.

One response so far

One Response to “I cant believe I am writing my final post!”

  1.   dfunderlichon 21 Dec 2012 at 11:53 am

    I can’t believe that I am writing my final post either! I also cannot believe that it is the end of the semester. I feel your pain of getting a B, since this was the first class in my life that I have never got an A in. Grades mean the world to me. I agree with you that creating a school project is also a part of you and what defines you. I enjoyed the self growth in the class. How do you think this class has empowered your life? How will this class influence you in the future?


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