Sep 18 2012

You Can’t Have it All

Published by under MORE

Sacrifice is something that is a major part of all our lives, something that we face everyday, something that makes us choose between two outcomes. MORE, a short film from Mark Osborne, accurately portrays this theme through the daily grind of his protagonist. The audience is made aware of his unhappiness, not only through facial expressions and body language but al

so by the music that Osborne chooses and even the symbolism of his gray environment. The one thing, it seems, that keeps him going is the inspiration inside, a memory that he ho

lds very dear and draws on every time he’s been discouraged. When the protagonist does finally have his major breakthrough he makes the choice to share his inspiration at the expense of losing it forever. Once he creates this life-changing invention, he is met with acclaim and immediate success. However, as he sits in his executive chair, in his corner office, he removes the goggles and is reduced to an immediately depressed state. He proceeds to look inside himself for the one thing that has kept him going all this time only to find that he is empty.

One response so far

One Response to “You Can’t Have it All”

  1.   Konstantin Dukhovnyyon 21 Dec 2012 at 3:07 pm

    Reading this I felt like this happened to you once. I certainly hope it hasn’t but at the same time I feel like it’s a grim reality in the world we live in. We hold on to our dreams and then we lose ourselves fulfilling them.


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