Sep 21 2012


Published by under WASP


On I found that Andrea Arnold’s mother was 16 when she gave birth to the future Oscar winning director. She raised four children on her own much like Zoe did in Wasp. When Professor Davis mentioned that this film reflected her childhood I thought perhaps Arnold lived in poverty but I didn’t think much more of it. It’s chilling to think about how similar the film and real life was to Andrea Arnold. On I also read into the synopsis of some of her other productions I found that the poverty stricken, damaged mother daughter relationship was a common theme in many of her films.] In directing her films Andrea Arnolds seems to incorporate her childhood to some degree, which is one of the characteristics of her personal filming style.


Again, looking into a blog commenting on several of Arnold’s films I found that she also uses close ups frequently. The author of the blog, ‘Cinema of Andrea’ felt that these close ups allowed her to feel a closer connection to the characters being filmed and gives us, the viewers a greater insight into the complexity of the character. I completely agree with the author of the blog. There were several instances in Wasp in which those close ups helped us to understand Zoe. The close up on the sticker regarding Barbie as we mentioned in class shows us that Zoe might be a mother, but she is far from mature. The close up on her feet earlier in the film when she’s speaking to David and the moldy bread in her kitchen are used to highlight the poverty in which Zoe and her children live in. Although the author ‘The Cinema of Andrea’ focused on the importance of the close ups on characters’ faces, I felt that the close ups of the objects were equally significant because they too help us to uncover the story behind the characters.


“Andrea Arnold.” Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 18 Sept. 2012. Web. 20 Sept. 2012.



“The Cinema of Andrea Arnold.” JustAtad. N.p., n.d. Web. 20 Sept. 2012.




2 responses so far

2 Responses to “Wasp”

  1.   Stevie Borrelloon 25 Sep 2012 at 6:58 pm


    Your analysis of the close-ups is really good. They really do play a major role in the film, because it tells the story of Zoe’s past and troubles and helps the viewer get a clearer image of her life. I also looked up some of Andrea Arnold’s other films and you’re right about the role women play in her films. They’re damaged or have bad mother-daughter relationships. If Arnold didn’t have a troubled past, do you think her films would’ve been able to carry as much emotion and have a big impact on the viewer? Just wondering. Overall, great critique!


  2.   michaelmanoplaon 19 Dec 2012 at 11:44 pm

    Wow I had no idea that the director grew up in poverty. It make sense especially after all we have learned this semester. It seems as though many director’s or author’s personal experiences are reflected in their work. Clearly that is the case for this short film.


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