Oct 09 2012

The Art of Dance

I feel that one of the more difficult forms of art is dance.  Dance takes time, effort, and natural ability.  Certain dances are choreographed and practiced over and over again until perfected and in order to perfect these dances the dancers need rhythm.

From what I viewed during class and on youtube, Time Lapse Dance is a very interesting type of dance.  It involves a lot of twirling, “circus arts”, and the use of various stage lights.  The dancers wear, what looks like, white long sleeved gowns with wands beneath to extend their reach.   The stage lights cascade down across the dancers, which, along with the music chosen, give off the feeling of certain natural related occurrences such as tornados or of running water.

I thought of many different things while watching the dancers.  At times while they were twirling the waves made by the sleeves in the air along with the colored lights reminded me of flowers.  Then there were times when the music almost stopped and became quieter and the dancers became almost still holding up their arms up and behind them holding the wands slightly outward.   The dancer then slowly moved across the stage. This made me think of a swan or an angel.

What I found amazing about this dance is the amount of effort and time that must be put in in order to pull it off.   The videos of the dances that I have seen have all been long and in each one the dancers never dropped their arms.  Jody Sperling commented that in order to keep the costumes flowing the dancers must continually be in motion and must keep their arms up which must take a lot of arm strength.  When the dancers dance alone they can spin at their own pace but, also as Ms. Sperling stated, spinning in groups in unison must be, and is, one of the hardest things they do.

I could tell that Jody Sperling was very passionate about this.  In fact, her organization is a non-profit one.  For her to have found something she truly likes, Loie Fuller’s dance style, and have built off of it to make something of her own is amazing.




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