Oct 09 2012

Time Lapse Dance

Published by under TimeLapse Dance



I don’t dance. I also have zero upper body strength so all of this in general was impressive. Sperling was so passionate and dedicated to her profession which was also admirable. She explained in great detail how little funding she receives from the state. Even though the money she receives in grants doesn’t even begin to cover the costs of having a dance company, NY offers the largest amount of money for the arts. She admits that it’s difficult, stressful, and many people wouldn’t go through all that trouble, but she roughs it out because she loves it so much. Hopefully one day I love my profession so much that extra time and frustration will mean nothing more than just another bump in the road.


Loie Fuller’s dance technique in general was both different and beautiful. When I think dance, I think of ballet or tap or jazz. Her approach to dance is a lot more unique and in many ways a lot more complicated than traditional dance. The vast size of the costumes would be enough to scare me away from her kind of dance. Maneuvering those things looks incredibly difficult. I can barely hold my arms out for 30 seconds without feeling like they’re going to fall off. Imagine doing that for minutes? Hours? I’d die. It’s beautiful, but I’d definitely die. The way the costume is maneuvered to work in sync with the changes in lights is also impressive. The timing, precision and physical effort it takes to make this all happen is inspiring.

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