Some of you have had problems with opening the readings. If that is the case, you can also access them from Blackboard. Once you log into our course, you just need to click on “readings” on the left hand side of the page.
Category Archives: Announcements
Seminar 2 Opening Common Event
Joe Salvo
Director, Population Division
New York City Department of City Planning
6 PM
John Jay College (59 St. Between 10th and 11th Avenues)
See you in class again!
Again I want to let you all know that I am at Baruch and class will proceed as scheduled. As long as Baruch is open, I will be here. If there is ever a situation that prevents me from arriving, I’ll send you an announcement ASAP. Also, you can call the assistant in the Soc/Anthro department (Shelley Watson). If I do not make it to class, I will call her as well. My email ( which is listed on the syllabus is also a good way to reach me. See you this afternoon!
Guidelines for Discussion Questions and Presentations
I have posted some guidelines to assist you in writing good discussion questions and preparing your presentations. These guidelines are under the “presentations” link:
New Reading on Neighbors and Neighboring
I posted a reading for those of you who have questions on what constitutes a neighborhood. It’s called “Neighbors and Neighboring.” See if the neighborhood/community you are thinking of studying fits some of the criteria the author lists. This is not a required reading. It’s a reference students can use for their projects. I will also be posting some guidelines for your weekly presentations. Stay tuned!
Tech Fairs
The dates of the tech fairs have been changed, but we are still working out the dates. We’ll keep you posted.
See you in class!
Just wanted to let you all know that I am here. Class will meet at 2:30 as usual. See you then!
readings and presentations
The readings due for next week are Roediger 6 and pages 30-36 of Beeman et al. We will watch the film on Monday and discuss the readings on Wednesday. Check the presentation sign up sheet to see who your partner is. You will need to work together on the presentation, but each person is graded individually on how they deliver the material and the examples they use to illustrate the concepts. The idea is to come up with creative ways to communicate the key points and concepts the author discusses. Some points may only require a simple PowerPoint with important definitions and/or notes. Others points can be illustrated through the use of images, film clips, or other materials. You can decide amongst yourselves how you want to divide the material. Email me if you have questions.
Reminder: Introductions
Remember to post your introductions by Wednesday along with a photo of yourself. Here are some questions: Where did you grow up? What brought you to Baruch? What are you studying? What do you really want to do in life? Remember, that doesn’t have to correlate with your major. What do you hope to learn from this course?
First Common Event, Jan. 28th
Seminar 2 Opening Common Event
Joe Salvo
Director, Population Division
New York City Department of City Planning
6 PM
John Jay College (59 St. Between 10th and 11th Avenues)