Author Archives: kaytang


Main Question: What differences between the two neighborhoods have led to violent displays of ethnic tensions in Midwood, yet no outwardly displayed shows of tension in Greenpoint? Introduction America is not a melting pot, contrary to many ideals that have … Continue reading

Posted in Research Paper Outline | 1 Comment

Hipsters and Their Discontents

I am tempted to agree with Molotch on the triumph of exchange value over use value. An place that I experienced that had conflicting values over happened to be Williamsburg. I live fairly close to the Williamsburg Bridge and during … Continue reading

Posted in Week 10 | Leave a comment

Ethnic Sucession

Herman’s paper asserts that the ethnic succession or the replacement of one ethnic group by another can be part of the reason inter-ethnic violence occurs. Ethnic succession has been part of American society since time immemorial. In my lay opinion, … Continue reading

Posted in Week 9 | Leave a comment

A building and its people

A building that always made me wonder was the Rutgers Houses in the Lower East Side. It is a housing project meant for low income workers. It is a big flat, brick building, with no decorations and surrounded by a … Continue reading

Posted in Uncategorized, Week 6 | Leave a comment

Ethnic Enclaves

Ethnic enclaves are a useful transition for immigrants as they come to this country. While some groups such as Dominicans, as noted in the Sullivan article, are hampered by their groups lack of social capital, they would have been more … Continue reading

Posted in Week 5 | Leave a comment

Interview footage

Posted in Interview Footage | 1 Comment

The point in the reading that I wish to respond to is the fact that intellectuals wished to Americanize immigrants but evetnually tolerated their food. That fact always seemed to be of great irony to me. People who disliked every … Continue reading

Posted in Uncategorized, Week 4 | 1 Comment

Assimilation: Coercion?

I have never felt coercive pressure from my peers to behave in a more American, or Anglo way. N one ever threatened me or purposefully incentivized me to act more American. Yet from the perspective and words of my Asian … Continue reading

Posted in Week 3 | Leave a comment

Melting Pots and Closed Lids

Joseph Berger, Suketu Mehta and Adam B. Ellick all describe their experiences with extremely diverse parts of the neighborhood. They all provide a unique perspective on these areas. There were several quotes that struck out to me from the readings. Using … Continue reading

Posted in Week 2 | 1 Comment

The neighborhood I most strongly identify with is the Lower East Side of Manhattan. The Lower East Side is the neighborhood I was born and raised in as a child. But it is more than just a place where I … Continue reading

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