Man, the man is non-stop.

Robert Moses’s ascension from the young Yale undergrad who was humiliatingly booted off the swim team to the curator of one of the world’s largest and most prominent metropolitan cities, is largely due to his drive and self-confidence. Moses’s greatest threat was his own resignation. He thought himself to be indispensable and willed this to be true. Like a sponge, he soaked up any source of power he came across and seized every networking opportunity to fall into people with money and political sway. He gave them all what they wanted and made promises that would compel his new political and economic ties to ensure his success. Moses succeeded in all of his endeavors because he became the key link in every political, economic, and social relationship necessary to keep getting funding, maintain consistent support, and stay in power for as long as possible. In a way, he built himself into the city. he maintained his power through fear, a little digging, and a lot of blackmail. However, he spent his life serving the people, as he intended, and built an empire in the process. It’s clear to say that all roads in NYC were paved with power, and all roads lead to Dr. Robert Moses. However, he wouldn’t have been able to do it without his charisma and intelligence– two essential elements for any good power play.