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Asiyah's Housing Map

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The Place I Like to Call Home: 40.670145, -73.803390
Townsend Harris High School: 40.735121, -73.821285
Baruch College: 40.740510, -73.983521
PS/MS 124: 40.665430, -73.811302
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The Place I Like to Call Home

This is the house where I have lived since the day I was born. The home where I learned to crawl, learned to walk, and learned to talk. I have lived here for the last 19 years and over the years the appearance of the house has changed much. The house has three bedrooms and three bathrooms with a good size backyard. Located near JFK airport and there is quick and easy accessibility to main highways. 

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Townsend Harris High School

This is where I attended high school from 2012-2016. It is located on the Queens College Campus where we were able to take college courses during our senior year.

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Baruch College

Where I am currently studying Accounting with a minor in CIS. 

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PS/MS 124

This was the elementary and middle school that I attended from kindergarten through eighth grade. It used to be solely an elementary school, however when I was in the third grade they began building an annex building for sixth to eighth grade. It was not my zoned school so similarly to Cobb's mother, my parents used a family members address in order to enroll me there.

New York New York, United States of America