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My First and Only Home: 40.774500, -73.741300
My (Figurative) Second Home: 40.755400, -73.666800
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My First and Only Home

I have never moved before, hence this is my first and only home. It is a single-family raised ranch in Little Neck, Queens by the border of Long Island. It is located in an upper-middle class neighborhood with generally low crime rates, although we got robbed once many years ago. The train station isn't actually my house, but my real home isn't too far away.

Little Neck (LIRR) New York City, United States of America
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My (Figurative) Second Home

I never actually lived here, but a majority of my childhood friends did, and I know this place like the back of my hand because I was always in the area. We would get together all the time, and for a few years we would meet multiple times a week to bowl and take karate lessons.

Herricks New York, United States of America