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Home: 40.610532, -73.932023
St. Bernard School: 40.619450, -73.909975
Bishop Kearney High School: 40.616151, -73.978060
Baruch College: 40.740157, -73.983618
Macaulay Honors College: 40.773904, -73.979890
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 This is the house that I have lived in for my entire life. The house contains two small lawns placed in both the front and back of the house. The picture shown depicts what my house looks like around Halloween time.


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St. Bernard School

This is where I went to school for 14 years of my life. I graduated in 2012 with a graduating class of 28 kids.

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Bishop Kearney High School

This is where I went to high school from 2012 to 1016. It was an all-girls Catholic high school. 

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Baruch College

This is where I attend class everyday, trying to get a BBA in Finance.

55 Lexington Avenue New York, United States of America
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Macaulay Honors College